Job Fair

Creating a Job Fair portal typically involves outlining the essential features and functionalities that the portal must have to effectively serve its purpose. Here are some key portal requirements for a Job Fair portal

  • Registration and Profile Management:
    • Ability for job seekers and employers to register and create profiles.
    • Job seekers should be able to upload resumes and other relevant documents.
    • Employers should be able to create company profiles and post job openings.

  • Job Search and Matching:
    • Advanced search functionality for job seekers to find relevant job openings based on criteria such as industry, location, job type, etc.
    • Matching algorithms that suggest jobs to job seekers based on their profiles and preferences.

  • Easy search:
    • Student will register and apply for the jobs based on the job matching profiles and skills.
    • Student can apply maximum of 10 jobs (which can be configured)
    • This will help the student to directly go to the particular employer with lots of time saving
    • This will help the employer to know how many team members to come for the job fair

  • Analytics and Reporting:
    • Tracking and reporting capabilities to monitor the performance of the portal and job fair events.
    • Metrics such as number of registrations, job postings, attendee engagement, etc.
    • Tracking from the employer side until the students get the offer letter

  • Portal:
    • The portal has started discussion and planning the development timeline