Skill Registry

.Enhancing a "Skill Registry with AI- ML Algorithm" for a helping the students to get desired job in wide range across the Globe .Here are some key portal requirements for a Skill Registry:

  • Employer Registraiton and Profile Management:
    • Employers need to register
    • Seperate visibility page of the employer will be created
    • Employer can add n number of job posting, with highest qualifctaion along with skills required

  • Students Registration and profile management:
    • Student will register
    • Create a profile, Candidate can be able to add the skilled professional details as well
    • Auto generation of the Resume build feature
    • AI-Based job recomendation- By highest qualification and skills
    • Upskilling recomendation - This section will show the list of jobs where candidates needs to upskill and can get those oppurtunity
    • Educational Upgrade - This section will help the students to continue to pursue the education and to get vast oppurtunityes with the good CTC this will surely motivate atleast 30% of the candidate to continue further studies.

  • Employer, LMS and Auto notification:
    • Employer can add the professional course in learning portal,
    • Once candidates complete the course, auto notification will send to the employer and helps in the immediate Placement with the company

  • Question Bank:
    • Optioin for the studets gain access for the apptitude and technical questions
    • Question bank module would be created by the students who have successfully attempted apptitude tests which further helps upcoming students to participate

  • Tracking:
    • Tracking of the students life cycle in skill registry end to end (untill students placed successfully in company)
    • New jobs and added professional courses will be notified by the auto notification to students with similar skills and requirements

  • Portal:
    • The portal will be up around August 1st week